Monday, December 10, 2012

Economic Wisdom from the Stupidity of Our Government

Learning Economic Wisdom from the Stupidity of Our Government

There’s an old saying that goes something like this; a lawyer that would represent himself has a fool for a client.  Likewise, a doctor who would operate on himself has a fool for a patient.  

The nice thing about fools is that wise people can watch their costly stupid errors and learn from them.  The wise person learns for free while the fool picks up the tab.  

In this ‘Gold Nugget of Truth’ the fools we will learn from are from both sides of the government aisle.  They are both Democrats and Republicans, and foolish beyond belief.  Of course, there is the Queen of Fools, Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) who once said, “We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.”(Referring to Obamacare)  After making a statement of that type you really don’t need to see her brain scan to see what’s in it or not in it.  Duh. 

Politicians often have their hearts in the right place, but have their heads up their asses.  That disease is also known as ‘Craniumrectus’ and the cure for it is a ‘POPULECTOMY.’  The Populectomy got its name from the way the treatment works.  The patient suffering from Craniumrectus is pulled by the underarm area until you hear a popping sound which indicates the head is now removed from the rectum.   Since it’s a disease I invented I can also come up with any cure that suits the need.  So there.

Back in the days of the early 80’s politicians from both sides of the aisle were pushing the fact that every good hard working American should own a home.  Those well intentioned albeit stupid elected gurus encouraged banks to loosen up credit.  That encouragement gave way to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  Those government started pseudo institutions led the way for more money to loan.  Easy loans with looser qualifications were becoming the rule.  Eventually rules became so loose
that you could work at McDonalds and qualify for $400,000 home loan.  Are you starting to see the flaws in this yet?  If so, you have probably just passed the IQ of the typical Senator or Representative. 

No money down, no problem.  Give money away, print more, build more homes because our economy is expanding.  It looked that way on the surface but in reality it was a false economy. 

At some point reality must set in and it did, in the form of a real estate crash.  Our elected officials would have you believe it was the banks fault, but it was the boys and girls in Washington that encouraged and backed those loans.  So those same deluded geniuses in DC decided they needed to do something.  “Hey”, said one of ‘em, “Here’s an idea.  Let’s borrow money we don’t have.  Run up the debt.  Do some kind of ‘feel good’ rescue home loan thing, oh, and spend a trillion bucks or so on economic stimulus.  You know, green projects.  That leaves us with the ‘feel good’ home thingy and a ‘look good’ environmental thingy.”  And thusly, nearly all the lemmings in Congress voted to approve it. 

Now the Man-In-Charge, who just spent a year lying to the nation about healthcare, decided to make bad loans to green companies.  Enter Solyndra, which took around $500,000,000  in taxpayer money and then went four paws to the ceiling.  That was only the beginning.  Several other companies followed suit and some of them used inside track (questionable tactics, if you prefer) to get those wonderful, screw the taxpayer, loans.  

Ah, but the best (sarcasm) was yet to come.  Obamanation decided to loan $132,000,000 to an upstart battery company called A123 Systems.  You could also call it Solyndra Junior because it too went belly up.  Here comes the good part. You see, China holds more than a trillion bucks in U.S. debt.  Much of the money for the stimulus was borrowed from China.  China, seeing a potentially good thing, swoops down and latches on to A123 for nearly nothing.  The U.S. Taxpayers are out the 132 million and the absolute worst part is we are paying interest to China on those millions I just told you about.  Yep, they get a free U.S. company and we pay them interest.  We the people…just got screwed….AGAIN.

So what’s the message in here for you?  Well, there’s three of them.  1) Paying interest never benefits you the borrower.  But there are times, specifically when you buy a home you will need that loan which leads us to #2) Live below your means.  If you can afford a $250,000 home why not settle for something considerably less expensive.  Something you can pay off early and pay less interest on the loan.  Wow, what a novel concept.  Going into debt is NEVER something you should take lightly.  Besides ‘Keeping up with the Joneses’ is so 1970’s.  3)  Think before you vote and only vote if you think.  Remember career politicians and lawyers RARELY make good Senators, Representatives or Presidents.  What we need are good common people with good common sense.  

Current office holders need not apply. 

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