Monday, November 26, 2012

2 Rules for Instant Saving

Advertising 101 - - Ways of separating you from your money and/or influence your thoughts.

Let’s start this with the simplest rudimentary definition I could come up with for advertising.
Advertising – a presentation designed in part or whole to create a predetermined desired response.

Now let me break this down a bit further for you.  The presentation of an ad can be in a nearly endless variety of forms.  You can have newspaper, radio, television, internet, magazine, billboard, word of mouth, direct mail, and testimonial ads, just to name a few. 

Ads are designed to appeal to you on one of two different levels:  emotional or intellectual.  Please note, most ads are emotional with only a very very small percentage going for an intellectual appeal.  Of the few that do go for an intellectual appeal, most of those ads are still driving you for an emotional response.

You probably have no idea how much research goes into marketing a product.  Demographics, packaging, color, shape, even down to a product release date all go into the final mix. 
Professional product and ad people along with focus groups, study, inspect, digest, dissect, analyze, and scrutinize, everything involved with the product and its collateral just to come up with the perfect winning combination.  The sad part is regardless of time and money spent there is no sure fire way to guarantee or predict a winner.  There have been times when companies have spent hundreds of thousands of bucks only to have the ship of their dreams sink more disastrously than the Titanic.  Then there have been those totally goofy-assed, totally insane ideas that defied all logic only to become million dollar babies.  

Let me name some name of some losers.  Before I do let me add this, you may not recognize some of these because they are losers, but at one time they did exist.  Here goes – Libby’s Fruit Float, Wine & Dine, Soakee (Bubble bath), Yucca Dew (Shampoo), Waterford (Cigarette), RCA 8 Track Quadraphonic Player, Bowmar Calculators, 4 Track Tape Players, Betamax, Laser Disc players, Soybean Hamburger Extender, Polaroid Big Shot Camera, McDonalds Hula Burger, McDLT, Arch Deluxe, McLean Deluxe, Edsel (automobile), The Baconeer, PSSSSSST (spray dry shampoo in a can), Action Detergent, and this list could go on.

Now here are some products that became big winners, regardless of sensibility – Troll Dolls, Mood Rings, The Pet Rock, Beanie Babies, Snuggies, just about any Ronco product (Splatter Screen, Pocket Fisherman, Smokeless Ashtray, etc.), Instant Coffee, Breeze (Detergent), Oxi Clean, Duz (Detergent), and I’m sure you’ll think of a lot more.  

You could spend hours analyzing each of the above winners and losers to determine what went right or wrong with the product.  Actually some would require very little thought, like PSSSSSST.   If I remember correctly you sprayed it on, rubbed it around, combed your hair and it was supposed to be clean.  Yeah, this works how???  Oh, I add more crap to my already dirty hair, comb it and it’s magically cleaned by who?? Houdini??

I saw an ad on TV the other day advertising a flashlight with a magnet attached. At one point in the ad it claims to be “as bright as daylight”.  Really?  I’d love to know how that works.  

Oh, when you get that 25 foot “Shrinking Garden Hose”, be ready to open the box and see a hose that’s only a little more than 8 feet long.  Just add water and expands to 3 times its length.  So you just paid $19.99 + Processing and Handling for an 8 foot garden hose.  But wait; add some more money for processing and handling and we’ll include a second 8 foot garden hose for free.  Hell, we may even through in the ‘Old Brooklyn Lantern’ (you know, with the ‘Authentic Antique Globe’ – Think about that line of BS), and if you call within the next 10 minutes we may throw in a ‘Slap Chopper’ plus an AMAZING anywhere light bulb (which is really just another flashlight because it produces light and is battery operated) and we’ll also start sending you advertising cards in the mail that are never a standard size so they stand out and make you want to read them (usually this is reserved for political hacks trying to get into office so they don’t have to work for a living), but if you email right this very minute we’ll include a Lint Lizard which will prevent you from having a ‘DANGEROUS Dryer Vent Fire’ (as opposed to a non-dangerous dryer vent fire??).  Oh, but remember you must pay additional processing and handling.  That used to be called S&H or shipping and handling until they marked up the shipping so much that consumers were getting wise to the gimmick.  Thus, change the name and change the game.  

So there you have it.  If you want to save money there are only 2 things you need to know:
1             1)    The difference between a want and a need.  Example – People often want a 
                     new car, but do they really need one?  Often the answer is no.  Always live
                     by needs and not wants.
2             2)   Keep emotions out of EVERY purchase.  When emotions creep in, money 
                     drains out.

Congratulations – you are a wiser consumer.

 © Krystalco LLC 2012  Any publication or reuse of the information on this blog, in part or whole, without express written consent is prohibited.

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