Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The End Game and How To Get Exactly What You Want

The End Game and How To Get Exactly What You Want

Life can be full of disappointments.  Maybe your career wasn't exactly what you hoped it would be.  Maybe a marriage or two didn't work out the way you had hoped.  You get the idea, life doesn't always live up to your expectations.  The life of possible problems is almost endless.  It doesn't mean you had a horrible life, but it just wasn't what you had hoped for or wanted it to be.  

I'm not trying to be funny as I write this, but I am being sincere.  If you find some humor in this, that's okay, but please think about what you are reading.  

Back to where I started, so life let you down.  You're not alone.  Everybody, EVERYBODY has had their share of 'not so great' moments.  Shouldn't you deserve....No, don't you deserve.....No, YOU DESERVE to get at least one shot of perfection.  By that I mean perfection on your terms.  Perfection, not the way everybody else thinks it should be, but exactly the way you want it to be.  I'm about to let you in on how to make that happen.  Follow what I'm about to write here and in the end, the very end, you will get something exactly the way you want it.  Not only will you get what you want but it will last and last and last. 

The end game I'm talking about it death.  If you are breathing today you will eventually face the end game.  I'm constantly amazed at how many people plan everything in their lives but ignore what will eventually be a very permanent arrangement.  After all, the final plans of your funeral and interment are just that - FINAL.  Not only are they final, they are forever.  

Not only are they final and forever, but you, yes you, can have total control of this event.  Yep, total control.  You can have it your way - TOTALLY.  You can pick what you wear, where you will be planted, and even some of the smallest details.  What I am talking about here is a prearranged funeral and I'm going to give you the basics to get you started on your final journey. 

Oh, there are two more even better reasons to prearrange your funeral.  The most vulnerable time to be screwed out of money on needless expenses is at the time of a loved ones death.  An unscrupulous funeral director knows how to play on emotions and run up a bill in the process.  Here's another great reason to think ahead and out of the box.  Let's say you prearrange your funeral today and live another 20 years before you kick, the price for your final bash is locked in the day you set it up (provided no major changes are made to the arrangements).  If the cost of that funeral goes up 3000% in 20 years it won't cost you a dime more.  Hey, just because your dead doesn't mean you have to be dumb.  PRE-PLAN!

I'm sure I'll get some funeral directors that will disagree with what I'm about to tell you, however, I would not prearrange my funeral before at least the age of 30.  During your 20's most people haven't settled to the point of mostly knowing where and how you are going to spend the rest of your life.  Even in your 30's you run the risk of moving to a different area and having to rearrange what you've prearranged.  Which brings me to my next point.  Be sure any prearranged funeral plans are transferable to another funeral home in another location.  The funeral home where you make the arrangements can help you with that.  At its very basic element, a prearranged funeral is an insurance policy that pays the funeral home a preset amount in the event of your demise.  The funeral home determines the amount the policy needs to be based on what you decide for your funeral.  These arrangements include the cost of cremation or embalming, urn or casket, services, death certificate(s), plot, memorial cards, etc.  Finally, and I do mean finally, at least one thing in your life will go the way you want it.  Of course, it will be the very last thing. 

Earlier I mentioned making sure the plan you buy is transferable.  Here's why.  Let's say you live in Blue Ball, Pennsylvania and you prearrange your final arrangements at Frans Funeral Farm at the age of 35.  Thirty years later you retire and move to Freedom, Florida and being shipped back to Blue Ball for burial is something that no longer appeals to you.  With a transferable prearranged policy it's not much of a big deal, however, please note you will have to pay additional expenses for the transfer of the policy and associated costs.  Let's say that you still want to be planted in Blue Ball.  Your estate will incur the additional costs of prepping the body in Florida and shipping it to Blue Ball.  The rest of your expenses at Frans Funeral Farm are still prepaid and complete.  Even with the add-on costs it will still save you money over not having any prepaid arrangements. 

If you prearrange your funeral properly when you check out all your loved one has to do is call the funeral home where the arrangements were made and let them know where to pick up the body.  Done properly, the rest is all taken care of.

Summing this up with a prearranged funeral - Your loved ones have less stress because all of the arrangements are made - You saved money - At the final curtain call, You get exactly what you want.

One final thought, pick a nice casket or urn.  You'll be there for a very long long long time.

The End. 

© Krystalco LLC 2012  Any publication or reuse of the information on this blog, in part or whole, without express written consent is prohibited.

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