Friday, June 19, 2015



I did not plan on writing this today.  I had so many other projects to get done, but sometimes when something is important enough you need to adjust the old schedule.

For the past year or so I’ve been trying to find a way to keep FACEBOOK News Feed from changing my settings.  I always want it set for ‘recent stories’ but it self-changes to ‘Top Stories’.  This seemingly never ending battle between computer application and me really pisses me off.  Based on my readings, I’m not the only one.  

I searched for the longest time for a solution and yesterday, VOILA, I found it.  I found the FIX, installed it, and damned if it didn’t solve my problem.  Today and for all future time I will share it with you.


Let me tell you what happened when I tried to share it with you as a FACEBOOK post. 

FACEBOOK would not let me post it.  Use this fix, try posting about it, and watch what happens.  Posting about this is a FB NO NO.

Here’s why…..This lets you take more control of FB and filter out things you don’t what.  Remember FB is constantly tracking you and they want you to see, what they consider, are relevant ads.  It’s how they make money.  When you control what you see and what you want it becomes less beneficial to FB and its advertisers.  Bottom line…if you install the app I’m going to tell you about you will kick FB in the proverbial nuts.  You win.  They lose.  You gain control.  They lose control.  Maybe it’s just the rebel in me but there is some poetic justice in that.  

Before I give you the name and location of this app there are a few caveats you need to know. 

This app will work with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, and Maxthon.  It will NOT work with Internet Explorer.  

It installs quickly and gives you tons of filter options.  It is donationware.  Oh, be sure to download it from its parent site and not from some off chute site connections.  I’ve been informed some of those off chute sites can contain malware.

After this installed when you open your FB Page on the blue bar at the top you will see your page name, ‘Home’ and a new tag called FBP.  Click on FBP to adjust your settings.

Here’s what you’ve been waiting for:  The name of the app is F.B. Purity and the site to download from is   

You’re welcome.  As I mentioned above, just for kicks, try and post anything about this on FACEBOOK and watch what happens.  

Again, you’re welcome.

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